Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights | My London Times

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a vibrant and joyous Hindu festival celebrated by millions of people all over the world. It marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Our editor Kai Lutterodt shares more including three Diwali specials she’s tried in the lead up to the celebrations on Sunday 12thContinue reading “Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights | My London Times”

5 Simple Tips to Relieve Stress | My London Times

As someone who tends to struggle with burnout, I’ve made a relentless commitment to prioritise my mental health, and recognise the warning signs before reaching tipping point. The start of November welcomed International Stress Awareness Week, an opportunity to reflect and take proactive steps to actively reduce stress, which in turn, can significantly improve well-being.Continue reading “5 Simple Tips to Relieve Stress | My London Times”

Remember, Remember the Rules this 5th of November | My London Times

Ah, the 5th of November – the glorious day when millions of people gather ’round bonfires to commemorate gunpowder, treason, and plot on Guy Fawkes Night. But alas, amidst the fiery spectacle, many bonfires will be concealing a rather unsavory secret – the incineration of unwanted waste. Oh, the audacity! Who knows what chemical concoctions are being releasedContinue reading “Remember, Remember the Rules this 5th of November | My London Times”

Champagne Day: What Makes a Glass of Bubbly So Versatile? | My London Times

Champagne Day celebrates the sparkling wine loved by many around the world. Its versatility and charm have captivated enthusiasts in every corner of the globe. Editor Kai Lutterodt joyfully raises a toast (or two) in honour of this remarkable day.

Transition into Autumn Self-care | My London Times

As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to change their hue, it’s time to embrace the beauty of autumn and create meaningful rituals that celebrate this enchanting season. Here are five soul-nourishing autumn rituals that will help you embrace the cozy vibes and adjust to the seasonal transition.