5 Simple Tips to Relieve Stress | My London Times

As someone who tends to struggle with burnout, I’ve made a relentless commitment to prioritise my mental health, and recognise the warning signs before reaching tipping point. The start of November welcomed International Stress Awareness Week, an opportunity to reflect and take proactive steps to actively reduce stress, which in turn, can significantly improve well-being. Here are my five simple tips to help relieve stress…

Photo by Kampus Production
  1. Practice Self-Care: Engaging in self-care activities can provide a much-needed break from the demands of daily life. This can include activities such as taking a warm bath, going for a nature walk, reading a book, journaling, or practising mindfulness and meditation. Taking the time to do things that bring joy and relaxation can help in reducing stress levels.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries in both personal and professional aspects of life is essential to prevent burnout. Communicate your limitations to others and learn to say ‘no’ when necessary. It is important to prioritise your well-being and not be overwhelmed by excessive commitments.
  3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep are all integral components of managing stress. Eating nutritious meals, engaging in physical activity, and getting enough rest can contribute to improved overall health and better stress management. Remember, taking care of our physical health directly impacts our mental wellbeing.
  4. Engage in Relaxation Techniques: Find relaxation techniques that work for you, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, painting, or listening to calming music. These techniques can help in reducing stress levels, and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation.
  5. Seek Support and Connection: Don’t hesitate to reach out to others for support when needed. I’ll be honest, I sometimes find it difficult to ask for help, even from those closest to me, but it’s the only way I’ve been able to begin to get myself out of a rut. Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide an outlet to express feelings and concerns. Building a strong support system and connecting with others who may be going through similar experiences can provide valuable encouragement and resources.
Photo by Burst

While these strategies may not eliminate stress entirely, they can certainly help you manage it more effectively. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Taking proactive steps to de-stress is one of the best investments you can make for your long-term well-being. For me it’s a journey I take a day at a time.

Useful resources for stress can be found here: www.mind.org.uk

Written by Kai Lutterodt @the.soho.girl

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